
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Specialist's Measurement Ultrasound

I am so excited we made it to this appointment.  I remember when they scheduled it a month ago after our last measurement ultrasound. All I could think was June 28 seemed so far away, but it was one of my goals to make it to the appointment.  I have made lots of small goals along the way and I am so proud everytime I reach one. 
My little sister, Jordan, arrived in town yesterday afternoon.  Ben was at school so she came along to see her future nephews on ultrasound.  She will be staying with us until sometime in early August when she has to return to college.  She will be a junior and starting the nursing program this fall.  I am so glad she is here.  It's great to be able to spend time with her and I know she will be a big help around our house.

The babies have grown so much it was difficult to get their measurements.  I am glad we have such a great ultrasound tech, who worked hard to get the most accurate measurements possible.  In order to get their estimated weights, she measures the diameter and circumference of their heads, the circumference of their bellies, and the length of their femur bones.  It was also neat to see the change in the development of their brains since a month ago.  We were so relieved to hear they are all growing well and that no one is falling behind in growth.  They are growing right on target for their gestational age as compared to a singleton baby.  We were told again these are big triplets!

Estimated Weights at 32 weeks:
Baby A: 4 lbs. 3 ozs.
Baby B: 4 lbs. 2 ozs.
Baby C: 4 lbs. 5 ozs.

= over 12 lbs. of baby!!

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