
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

32 Weeks

32 Weeks!  Another big goal met!  Every day and week I make it longer is a victory for our babies.  Many of you may be wondering what it feels like to be 32 weeks pregnant with triplets.  Suprisingly, I am not miserable.  At 5'11'', my height and long torso has given me a huge advantage when it comes to being pregnant with three babies.  I am most comfortable laying down on my side.  Standing, sitting up, or walking can become uncomfortable quickly depending on how the babies are positioned.  If I were not on doctor prescribed bed rest, I would be spending most of my time laying down regardless.  Some days my belly is sensitive or itchy from the rapid growth. I deal with the same struggles that most women at the end of their pregnancy deal with such as: difficultly get up from the couch or bed, rolling over from side to side, and getting dressed.  Luckily, I have not suffered from any swelling even in this extreme heat.  However, this week I have begun to experience some tingling/numbness in my hands, especially at night.  I feel extremely blessed to be feeling this well at this stage in my pregnancy.  Derek even commented the other day that he was suprised at how well I am doing.  Only a few more weeks to go!

How far along: 32 Weeks
Weight gain/loss: 2 lbs gained. Net weight gained: 46 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes, but with my rapidly growing belly and long torso my maternity wardrobe is quickly diminishing.
Sleep: Ok...frequent trips to the bathroom.  It has become difficult to roll over from side to side.
Best moment this week: My little sister is here to stay until the beginning of August.
Miss Anything? Missing out on gatherings or parties with my friends because I'm on bed rest.
Movement: Yes, they are beginning to get very crowded.  I frequently feel body parts pushing on my stomach as they move and roll over.
Food cravings: pizza
Anything making you queasy or sick: Prenatal vitamins: very rarely, but unfortunately it still happens.
Have you started to show yet? Measuring 48cm+, my uterus is so far up under my ribs the dr can't get an accurate measurement. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to:  Meeting my baby boys....

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