
Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Months

Tyler, Ryan, and Chase

10 Months old!  This year is flying by!  I remember thinking, if we can make it though the first year things will get easier.  Well, the end of the first year is approaching quickly.  And yes, things are getting easier as they get older, but we still face new challenges as we learn to adapt while they grow and change.

I'm pretty sure I will have three mobile babies in the very near future.  Ryan and Tyler are working hard to join Chase as he crawls all around the room.  They both recently figured out how to get to a sitting position from laying down and they have begun to rock on their hands and knees.  I'm interested to see what it will be like when they are all crawling.  Chase is also working on pulling up on any object he can grab on to.  He might be walking soon!

Tyler seems to be my talker this month.  He has expanded his sounds to include bu-bu for Ben, bi-bi, and the occasional ma-ma when he cries.  Ryan also occasionally says bu-bu and ma-ma when he cries.  Ryan's main focus seems to be on crawling and has been very quiet lately.  Chase is still very quiet most of the time.  The doctor hopes this is because he has been so focused on becoming mobile.  He says "gu" and the seldom da-da.  He also seems to like to occasionally squeal, especially when we are out in public.

They have all started to display some separation anxiety when I walk out of view.  So if I walk into the kitchen while they are playing in the living room, it's likely that all three will begin to cry.  Chase will then follow me into the kitchen as he pouts.  Also, any time I sit down on the floor in the living room with the boys Chase is quick to crawl to me and pull up, especially if I am giving one of his brothers attention.  They seem to do great when they stay in the nursery at church and hopefully that will continue.  I hope this phase passes quickly.

They are all still teething.  Chase now has 8 teeth, Ryan now has 4, and Tyler has 2.  I think that it is interesting that Ryan had no teeth last month and quickly went to having four.  They are practicing the use of these new teeth with finger foods at snack time.  I have been reluctant to do a lot of finger foods with these guys because they all seemed to get choked easily at first, not to mention the huge mess it makes.  Several people have made comment to me that once they can eat finger foods it will be easier, but in fact it's much harder than feeding them pureed foods.  When they are finished eating finger foods, not only do I have to clean their faces and hands.  I also have to clean high chair trays, seats, bibs, and the floor.  They are getting the hang of it now and the mess has diminished a little (not as much on the floor).  I have to make myself give them finger foods because I know it is an important step towards their independence, but some days it's just easier to feed them from a spoon. :)

The interaction between the three can be very entertaining.  They love to take each other's pacifiers even when they already have one in their mouth.  It is usually followed by taking their pacifier or just taking theirs back.  They love to touch each other, pull each other's clothes or bibs, stick their fingers in each other's face and mouth, put the fingers or toes of their brothers in their mouths, but they do not like it when their brother does it to them.  They let each other know if they have made them unhappy.  Sometimes there is a lot of unhappy squealing and flailing of arms to deter their brother from touching them or taking a toy or pacifier away from them.  I try to only intervene when I need to.  I think they need to learn how to work things out on their own for the most part.  I won't be able to intercede in every problem nor do I want to.  I'm sure this is only the beginning.

The boys got these cute little wagons for Christmas from Derek's parents.  I thought they would be fun for pictures this month.

20 lbs 14 oz
Look at that toothy grin!

19 lbs 8 oz
Love this little cutie!
19 lbs 12 oz
Tyler loves to stick out his bottom lip and give those sad puppy eyes.

Love Tyler's face in this one
Brotherly love...
Chase loves to wave

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