
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

We were so excited about our first Christmas as a new family.  Ben could not hardly wait until Christmas day.  Christmas Eve is almost as good as Christmas day in our family.  We were excited to have the Daniel side of the family to our house for a big family meal and festivities.
Ben's new Spider Man!

Cousin Natalie (Nat-Nat) and Ben
Tyler is so excited about his first present

Daddy with Ryan and Chase
The cute wagons Papa and G-mama gave the boys
with a little monogramming help from Mommy.

After our big, delicious meal, opening presents and spending time with our family, we went to the Christmas Eve service at our church.  It was a wonderful service.  My only regret is not taking a picture of Ben and the babies in their matching Christmas outfits.  We rushed out the door to make it to church on time and one of the babies had a blow out while at church.  Oh well can't get them all!

My four Christmas babies in their jammies

After the church service, we headed back home to have Christmas with Derek's parents and sister.  Ben had already had a full Christmas by this point and Santa hadn't even come yet! We started a tradition last year to open one present on Christmas Eve.  Their Christmas jammies!

Our first family Christmas picture

Cookies for Santa

Ben had a blast making cookies for Santa.
We put them on his special plate and sat them by the tree for Santa. What a wonderful day it was! I look forward to many more with my family.

Can't forget the milk!
Ready for Santa!

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