
Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Simple Update

Just wanted to take a minute to give a simple update of the Daniel's Den.  We love being the parents of a toddler and newborn triplets, but it might just be the hardest thing we have ever done in our lives.  Derek and I are exhausted to say the least.  Neither of us have slept more than 2 hours at a time for the last 6 weeks.  This week it seemed to catch up with us both since we were on our own.

The triplets are growing and thriving.  They are becoming more alert every day.  Their cheeks are starting to get chubby.  I can't believe how much they have already grown and changed since they were born.  They are on a good schedule and usually sleep at the same time, except for the occasional fussy one.  They eat every three hours during the day and every 4 at night.  When one wakes up to eat, we wake up and feed all three.  Derek and I have the night feedings down to a science.  We can get all three changed, fed, and asleep in about an hour.  We have become very innovative in figuring out how to care for three at the same time.  We can not wait for the day when they extend their night feeding and eventually sleep through the night.

Ben is a wonderful big brother.  He comes and loves on them and wants to hold them.  He gets very excited when they are awake.  He has adjusted to our "new normal" very well.  He seems to be happy that I can now take care of him again.  Ben started back to mother's morning out 5 days a week from 9-1.  He absolutely loves it!  He is so glad to be back with his friends from last year and he loves his teachers.  It's amazing how much he has changed since I took him to school last year for the first time.  He loves to come home and tell me about his day and his friends.

All is well in the Daniel's Den!

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