
Sunday, July 22, 2012

At The Hospital

This past week was one of the greatest weeks of our lives.  We brought three beautiful, baby boys into the world.  Time seemed to be slowed down.  The days seemed like weeks and the minutes seemed like hours and yet the entire week is some what of a blur. This post covers the events that happened while I was in the hospital recovering and a slide show of pictures.

Tuesday, July 17
It was so amazing to have Ryan in our room with us.  He was never admitted to the NICU.  We still can't believe the smallest of the three was the strongest.  One nurse said she had worked at this hospital for 22 years and had never seen a triplet come to the well baby nursery.  He was nick named "super baby".  The first night we both held and cuddled Ryan and sent him to the nursery because we were exhausted.

The next morning they brought Ryan back to us and I gave him a bottle.  It was so nice to have Ryan with us.  It gave me the 'normal' baby experience I had with Ben.  However, I constantly felt pulled between being in the NICU to visit Chase and Tyler and taking care of Ryan  That first morning I couldn't get up to the NICU fast enough to spend time with the other two as well.  Chase had been given an IV the night before because of an elavated resporatory rate.  That morning, he was already showing progress and I was able to give him a botttle.  We were told it would take 2-3 days to ween him off the IV as his bottle feedings increased.  Tyler was doing great.  I was able to hold him during my visit.  His nurse had fed him while I fed Chase.  We spent the day going back and forth between being in the room with Ryan and visiting Chase and Tyler in the NICU.  Our family was also there to be with us and visit the babies.

Ben was able to meet Ryan for the first time that morning.  He was a little unsure at first, but it wasn't long before he was sitting beside me in the bed and asking to hold him.  My heart melted as he leaned down and kissed him on the forehead all on his own.  Ben had gone to the store with Aunt Jordan and picked out a present for each brother.  He gave Ryan a stuffed giraffe toy.  The triplets also got their big brother a gift.  Ben loves his Turtle night light that shines stars on his ceiling.

That night my mom stayed with me in the hospital so Derek could go home and get some rest.  My mom and I however got very little rest.  The nurses were also in and out of my room constantly. The nurse took Ryan around midnight to complete his car seat test. The car seat test is simply puting the baby in the car seat for an hour and a half and watching them to make sure they don't stop breathing during that time. I think he had to pass this test since he was a late preterm baby. He passed.  I was also very irritated because I still had my IV from surgery.  This made everything more difficult from going to the NICU to simply taking care of  Ryan and myself.  The doctor had not made it to my room that day and the nurses would not remove it without a doctor's consent.  Needless to say I was miserable.  I threatened to take the IV out myself. 

Wednesday, July 18
I received a phone call from the NICU that morning to let me know Chase pulled his IV out and they didn't replace it because he no longer needed it.   I still had my IV in, too.   I should have had the same courage as my day old son.  Luckily the doctor came in shortly after and the nurse was given permission to remove my IV.

That morning Chase and Tyler were moved from the ICU side of the NICU to the progressive side.  They were both doing great and no longer needed critical care.  They continued to breath room air, hold their temperature, and eat from a bottle.  Their beds were right next to each other on the progressive side.  This was very nice because we were able to visit both babies at once.  When they were on the ICU side we had to divide our time between the two while we visited.  It was so neat to see them next to each other.  Since their birth the three had been spread out in three different places.  We were so happy to see them progressing so quickly.  We were hopeful they would be coming home quickly.

Thursday, July 19
Thursday morning around 2:00am, Derek and I were awakened by one of the neonatologist from the NICU.  He personally came to our room to tell us that Tyler had had a few scary apnea episodes during the night.  They decided to move him backt to the ICU side and give him an IV so that he would not have to take a bottle and could rest a while.  The apnea episodes were caused by an immature suck, swallow, breathe reflex and taking a bottle could cause more episodes. 

Derek and I went to NICU at soon as we could that morning to check on Tyler and Chase.  It was very hard to see Tyler back on the ICU side with an IV after seeing him do so well and on the progressive side.  A NICU nurse had warned me while I was pregnant that the NICU is a roller coaster ride.  Your baby might take two steps forward, but then one step back because they get tired.  I had to keep reminding myself this.

Thursday afternoon Ryan and I were discharged from the hospital.  It was great to know that we were going home, but it was bitter sweet.  It was also hard to leave two of our babies at the hospital.  We were very concerned about Tyler as he continued to have apnea episodes while taking a pacifier throughout the day.  When we got home all four grandparents and aunt Jordan were there to welcome us home.  We were so glad to have all the extra help as we transitioned to being home.

That evening, Derek went back to NICU with his parents and Jordan.  I was exhausted and stayed home to help with Ryan and Ben. I was able to put Ben to bed something I had not been able to do for a while.  It was so nice to be able to hold him on my lap, read him a book, and rock him. 

Derek bought an angel care monitor on the way home from the hospital for Ryan.  We were concenred that Ryan could start having apnea episodes just as Tyler had.  It definitely helped us sleep better that first night at home.  That is when we weren't up feeding the baby.  Derek and I worked out a system the night before in the hospital to maximize the sleep that we did get.  He feed and cared for Ryan and I pumped.  This worked great for us, but we knew we would be adding more babies to the routine in the near future.

Friday, July 20
We were back at the NICU by 8:00am to see Chase and Tyler.  Today, Chase's weight was down to 5 lbs 4 oz.  The doctors and nurses were concerned that he didn't want to eat well.  They said he needed to eat 40ml (a little over an ounce) every 4 hours.  If he didn't do this at each feeding, the nurse would have to insert a feeding tube to finish the feeding. I did not want to hear this and I was nervous at every feeding time, especially if I was the one feeding him.  I didn't want it to be my fault that he had to get a feeding tube.  Feeding a preemie baby is very difficult because they are so sleepy.  It's hard work to keep them awake and eating, especially if they have a set amount they are supposed to eat. 
That afternoon, Derek and I take Ryan to doc out of concern from Tyler's apnea episodes.  Ryan had not had any apnea episodes that we know of we were just very frightened he might since Tyler didn't start until thursday morning.  We saw the doctor who cared for Ryan in the hospital.  She understood our concerns and wrote Ryan a prescription for a home apnea monitor.  The apnea monitor measured his breathing and heart rate.  The monitor gave us great peace of mind.  Ryan still weighed 4 lbs 7 oz.  The same as his hospital discharge weight.  His bilirubin level was up to a 14, but the doctor said it was an okay level for his age.  However, she still wanted us to come in tomorrow to have it checked again. 

We returned to the NICU at 8:00pm for care time.  Chase was doing great with his feeding and had not required a feeding tube to be inserted.  Tyler had begun crying at care times because he was hungry.  He was started on bottles again with small amounts.  His first feeding were 10 ml (1/3 ounce).  His feeding tube was removed.  He had not had any apnea episodes since early this morning with passy or bottle. His bottle amount would be increased to 15 ml at the 12:00am feeeding and his IV fluids would be turned down.  I was able to feed him during this card ime.  I was so nerous to give him a bottle.  I didn't want him to have a apnea episode while I was feeding him. 

Chase and Tyler also had their bilirubin levels checked today.  Chase was a 10 and Tyler was a 14 just the same as Ryan.  The difference was Tyler was put on a phototherapy light blanket.  He would be on the lights except for care times until his levels were checked again on Sunday.

Saturday, July 21
We returned back to the pediatrician's office with Ryan to have his bilirubin checked.  Today it was a 15.  He was prescribed a phototherapy light bed to use at home.  He also had to be on the lights except for care times.  Today Ryan weight 4 lbs 6 oz.

Chase was doing great with his feedings.  He even ate 60ml (2 oz) at the 8:00am feeding.  We were hoping to see a change in his weight so he could come home, but he still weighed 5 lbs 4 oz.

Tyler was still struggling with occasional apnea episodes.  He had one a midnight when they increased his feeding to 15 ml (1/2 oz).  This was discouraging because we knew Tyler would have to go 5 days straight without an apnea episode before he would be discharged. Fortunately, he did not have any the rest of the day or ever again.   Today Tyler weighted 4 lbs. 13 oz.

Sunday, July 22
Today has been a great day filled with good news.  Chase is eating better and gaining weight.  He now weighs 5 lbs 4.8 oz.  He will being discharged from the NICU and coming home tomorrow afternoon!  Ryan had his bilirubin level checked this morning. It was down to 11 and he no longer needs phototherapy.  He also gained weight and now weighs 4 lbs 7.5 oz.  Tyler is also making big improvements.  His IV was removed this morning.   His bilirubin level today was a 8 and he no longer needs phototherapy.  He has also gained weight today and now weighs 4 lbs 13.4 oz.  Today he is working on holding his temp in the open crib.  He will be moved back to the progressive side with Chase this evening.  They will be beside each other again. 

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