
Monday, April 9, 2012

Baby names revealed!

After much deliberation, Derek and I have been able to name all three boys.  This was no easy task.  Each baby's name has a family name incorporated, whether first or middle name.  Ben gets the honor of revealing the names in this video:

We have not yet decided which baby will get each name.  We think we might wait until they are born.  Here are their first and middle names and who they are named after.

Chase Jeffery (Jeffery is Derek's mother's maiden name)

Garrett Ryan (Garrett is my grandmother's maiden name)

Tyler Lee (Lee is Derek's grandmother's middle name & her grandmother's maiden name)


  1. How's everything going, it's been a while since last post

  2. My Chase is 22 years old. He will be graduating with a double major in International Relations and Mandarin Chinese. And in August about the time your babies are here, my Chase will be moving to Bologna, Italy. I hope my Chase gets to meet your Chase and his brothers Garrett, Tyler and of course Ben!

  3. The names are great!!!!! Love them
