
Monday, April 23, 2012

Answer To Prayer and Bed Rest

First, I want to thank everyone for your prayers this weekend. It was a long weekend for me, as I stressed and worried over the news of Thursday's appointment. Monday's doctor's appointment could not come soon enough. We received a great report that my cervix had increased from a 2.2cm on Thursday to a 3.25 cm today.  Not only had God answered our prayers, but it was better than we expected. Anything over 2.5 cm is out of the danger zone.  The nurses and my OB praised me for putting myself on bed rest even though the specialist did not.  Everything else looked great as well. My blood pressure is holding steady and I gained 4 more pounds since my appointment two weeks ago. That puts me at a total of 20 lbs gained. I am now measuring 35 weeks pregnant, as compared to a single pregnancy, at just 23 weeks!  Our baby boys also looked great with strong heart beats and great fluid levels. The tech took the time to use the 4D and get some neat pictures! 

With all that said, my doctor felt like I needed to continue on bed rest. He does not want to take the risk that my cervix will shorten again, especially this early in the pregnancy. Derek and I agreed with him completely, even though we know it will make our family's everyday life more difficult.  Derek stepped up this weekend and handled all the duties at home so I could rest. I didn't even change a single diaper all weekend. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Thank you again for all your prayers. I ask that you continue to pray for the pregnancy to be healthy and last as long as possible, for  Derek and Ben as they adjust to the changes around the house due to my bed rest, and for Chase, Tyler, and Garrett to continue to be healthy and grow.

Baby A with his hands in front of his face.

Baby A with a clearer picture of his face.

Baby B's hands and foot.  It is hard to get a good picture of him
because he is between his other two brothers.

Baby C with is left hand by his face.


  1. I am so excited for both of you. Love the names! Your family has been in my thoughts. Can't wait to celebrate with you!- Courtney Boyd

  2. Congrats Jennifer and Derek! I've been thinking of you all. Still can't believe there isn't a single girl in there but I love all the names for the new Daniel boys!
