
Monday, March 12, 2012

Doctor's Visit

I'm now 17 weeks and measuring 30 weeks.  This past week I have really started showing.  Many of my friends who see me consistently could not believe the difference they saw in a week or just a few days time.  Everyone is telling me that I now look like I am pregnant. 

I have also started feeling better.  My energy has picked up, but I still tired easily. I rest everyday while Ben takes his nap.  I am no longer constantly nauseous.  That began to let up during the 14th week.  I still get sick occasionally (about once a day), but I'll take that over being constantly nauseous any day.  As with my pregnancy with Ben, my heartburn has returned.  I can only hope this means that I will have three little boys with a heads full of hair just as Ben did. 

Ben just 24 hours old.  Check out that full head of dark hair he was born with!
(Forgive me! I had to slip in one of my favorite pictures of Ben.)
The doctor had nothing but a great report for me again.  My blood pressure is great and holding steady. My cervix continues to look good. This is one major thing they are monitoring closely at both doctors' offices because cervix incompetence is very common in multiple pregnancies.  I also gained two more pounds since the last visit bringing me to a total of four pounds gained during this pregnancy!  The the doctors words were "Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great!" 

I get a kick out of the nurses and ultrasound techs' behavior at the office.  They are all very interested in my progress and ultrasounds.  Two weeks ago a nurse asked if she could come in and watch during my ultrasound because she had never seen a triplet ultrasound.  This week I had not one, but two techs in the room.  Dana, the tech that told us we were having triplets has followed our pregnancy very closely.  If she doesn't do the ultrasound, she comes and asks to see the pictures.  This week she was not scheduled for my ultrasound, but she wanted to be in the room so she could help confirm their genders. Two weeks ago, she thought their might be a chance that Baby A was a girl.  I think she was disappointed to see that Baby A is clearly a boy.  Derek and I on the other hand are still very thrilled to be having three boys!

 Baby A

 Baby B

Baby C

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