
Monday, April 22, 2013

9 Month Check Up

Chase, Ryan, and Tyler
Nine month check up went wonderfully.  It was a little harder to keep everyone on the table. Chase wanted to crawl and the other two kept lunging for things.  They love their Wubanub pacifiers as you can see.  Everyone is very healthy except for Ryan's double ear infection.  Once again he is so tough we didn't even suspect it.  It makes me feel terrible!  The doctor bragged on Derek and I for doing such a great job!  That made me feel a little better.  No shots this time, only a little stick to draw blood and they barely fussed about it.  The babies don 't have to go back for another 3 months, but I get to head back to the doctor with Ben's for his three year check up on Thursday.

Stats:    Weight                        Length
Chase: 19 lbs 7 oz (30%)       29.8 inches (90%)
Ryan:   18 lbs 8 oz (20%)       28 inches (50%)
Tyler:  18 lbs 8 oz (20%)       28.3 inches (50%)

The percentiles are based on full term babies.  The doctor said they are growing great!  I can't imagine what percentile Chase's length would be if he had been full term.  He might be tall!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Big Brother Love

This video shows a little glimpse into what we get to see everyday.  Ben loves his brothers so much and loves to play with them and as you can see the smile on Ryan's face in this video shows how much he loves it too.  My favorite part however, is the emotion in Derek's voice at the end of the video as he gets caught up in the moment.  This entire video makes me smile, while melting my heart at the same time. So blessed!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

9 Months

The months just keep flying by and here we are at 9 months.  The boys are really revealing their personalities more and more every day.  Ryan and Tyler continue to look more and more different, too.We have had some big milestones this month like holding our own bottles, which sounds like a huge help, but most of the time it just creates more of a mess because they like to hold them upside down and watch them drip out.  They have also learned to wave hi and bye.   The boys are still working hard to get teeth.  Chase has 7, Ryan has 0, and Tyler has 1.  Our biggest accomplishes happened right before turning 9 months old. Chase can now crawl and Ryan and Tyler said their first word, "da-da".  Things are changing fast especially with one now mobile.  The baby gates are now up to keep Chase in the baby safe zone of our living room and kitchen.  Ben has adjusted well to the gates, although he is not a fan, he has put himself in charge of making sure the gates are closed when Chase is awake.  He is already a protective big brother!

19 lbs 13 oz

18 lbs 11 oz

18 lbs 12 oz

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Crawler and Two Talkers

So this week has been full of new milestones.  Chase started crawling.  He is our quiet, but very driven little one. So, it was no surprise when he started crawling first.  Ryan and Tyler are my chatter boxes and so it was no surprise when they both started saying da-da this week.  Watch the videos below to check it out.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ben is Three!

Ben is three years old.  How did that happen?  We have enjoyed watching him grow and learn this year.  He brings us joy and makes us laugh.  We have enjoyed seeing his imagination develop.  He has showed great character as he adapted to all the changes in his life this year.  He is a sweet boy with a big heart.  We are so proud of him.  I look forward to watching him continue to grow and develop. We love you Ben and we are so glad you are a part of our family.

 I asked Ben the questions below and here are his answers.
1. What is your favorite color? Blue
2. What is your favorite toy? Buzz and Woody
3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon
4. What is your favorite tv show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Peanut butter sandwich
6. What is your favorite outfit?  My Christmas pajamas
7. What is your favorite game? Bowling
8. What is your favorite snack? Juice and yogurt
9. What is your favorite animal? Horses
10. What is your favorite song? "Oh No" (You Never Let Go by Matt Redman)
11. What is your favorite book? The Bible
12. Who is your best friend? Becca
13. What is your favorite cereal? Fruit Loops
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play soccer
15. What is your favorite drink? Juice
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My B's (Two blue blankets)
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Bagels
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Cake
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to go to work like Daddy.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Mickey Mouse Party

It's going to be a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Jamboree, as we celebrate Ben turning 3!  Ben loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He watches it every day so it wasn't hard to decide on a birthday party theme for this year. I think everyone had a great time, especially Ben.
Mouska-Meeska Mickey Mouse!

Thank you Dixieland Sweets for the adorable cookies!

Thank you to G-mama, Nannie and Papa for helping with the babies and the party.
Thank you Aunt Jen Jen for all the boys' cute shirts.

The birthday boy and Daddy wearing their Mickey ears.