
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feeding Time

I am often asked how I feed three babies at the same time.  I start by placing each baby in a Boppie and propping their bottle with a blanket.  After they finish their bottle, I change their diaper, buckle them into their high chair seat and put on their bib.  I love the space saver high chair seats, but it makes it easier for us to just sit them on the floor in our living room (aka- baby central) instead of in our kitchen table chairs.  We will move them eventually when they are self feeding with finger foods.  I use one bowl and one spoon to feed them all from, unless someone is sick.  I go down the line and each one gets a bite.  Sometimes one of them will be impatiently hungry and they get extra bites of course.  Once everyone has had their fill they are cleaned up and ready to play.

We love our space saver high chairs

Tyler ready to play!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Triplet Baptism


Sunday was a very special day.  We were so honored to have so many friends and family present as the babies were baptized.  All the boys were so well behaved.  Even Ben stood quietly beside me on stage.


Darin did a wonderful job with the baptism. It was very special to have him baptize our babies.  Darin and Leah were our first neighbors when we moved to Huntsville.  They are very special to our family.  Leah came and welcomed us to the neighborhood as our movers were unloading our stuff off the truck.  It had been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad moving day, but that is a whole other story.  She was so welcoming that I knew we were going to be okay here.


I love how Darin said that each baby was baptized and presented to the church individually, because even though it's easy to think of them as a package deal, they are all seen individually by God.

The yummy food...

After the service, we invited our family to lunch. A wonderful caterer in town prepared the meal for us at her restaurant, Marketplace Cafe.  It was delicious and Margaret was so easy to work with.  

Enjoying the food and company

Pops and Nanny Jeffery

Aunt Bethany, Cousin Ashley, and Great Aunt Donna with the boys.

The whole gang

Our Family

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cute Jammies

Here are the boys the night before the baptism.  They were just bathed and so cute in their jammies we had to get a picture.

Chase, Ryan, Tyler

7 Months

7 months old already!  We are in a nice little groove these days.  Things are definitely getting easier.  We have been getting out more and more.  One Sunday after church, Derek and I were feeling particularly confident after a smooth morning that we decided to go out to eat for lunch instead of picking something up on the way home.  This was the first time we had gone out to eat with just our family.  I was not prepared for the attention we received.  I guess when we go out with friends it is not as obvious that all 4 children belong to us or that the babies are triplets even though they all have coordinating car seat covers.  As we waited for our table, we received lots of comments and were asked lots of questions from the people around us.  A man even came up to me and handed me a $20 bill and said he was paying it forward.  I tried to give it back, but he insisted.  Turns out it was very helpful.  Derek had left his wallet at home and my purse was in the car.  We were able to use the money to pay for our lunch.  After about 5 minutes into lunch, I was asking myself what we were thinking.  The restaurant was crowded, which made getting to our table with a small child and three car seats and very large diaper bag challenging.  The babies had to be seated on the floor in their car seats because it would have been too difficult to get them situated on high chairs.  All three began to fuss immediately.  Derek and I juggled all three back and forth across the table while taking turns eating and fielding questions from the people around us.  I'm sure it was very comical to watch.  Thankfully, Ben was on his best behavior the entire time.  In the end, I am glad we went.  We are determined to continue to live the same way we did.  We laughed at ourselves the entire time.  I am so proud of the way Derek and I communicate and work together.  It was a learning experience and I think we handled the situation very well.  Next time we will pick a more spacious and less crowded restaurant.

The boys love to play and explore.  Their hands are always busy grabbing whatever is in reach so they can explore.  When you are holding them they reach up and touch your face and when they are next to each other they grab each others' hands, feet, nose, or ears.  They also like to rub each others' hair or stick their hands in each others' mouths.  It's funny and cute to watch.

Earlier this month we all got the stomach virus.  Derek, Ben, and I got over it fairly quickly, but the babies had it for over a week.  I thought it was never going to end.  I think I used two entire cans of Lysol spray in a week's time.  I would spray the living room every time I put the babies down for nap.  I had to feed them from separate bowls and spoons, sanitized pacifiers and toys after every use, and separate them at night to sleep in different rooms so not to breathe each others germs all night long. Needless to say it was exhausting.

I believe we are in full teething mode.  There is a lot of drooling and gnawing on anything and everything they can get into their mouths.  Chase drools the worst.  It is constant.  He has a puddle drool  in his bed every time he wakes up.  We should have some cute little toothies soon!

Ryan, Chase, and Tyler
Chase loves to smile!
Sitting up all by himself!
18 lbs 5 oz

16 lbs 5 oz

16 lbs 12 oz

Ben the Pirate
Loves to dress up and use his imagination.
The closer he gets to being three years old the more fun he gets.
He is an awesome big brother and a wonderful helper.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Little Valentines

I am so blessed to have 5 guys to be my Valentines!  

I love this little guy!

One, Two, cute as can be!

I love how Tyler is cuddled up next to Chase.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bouncy Seats

If you have been to our house lately you know our living room looks more like a day care center than someone's house.  It is quite hilarious to see all the sets of three around the room.  As much as I want to start weeding out baby things, I can't because we still use everything almost every day.  I keep thinking they will grow out of the bouncy seats before long, but as you can see they still enjoy them.

Ryan chillin in his seat
Tyler: aka "abs". No matter if he is laying down or reclining he likes to pull his
head and shoulders up to try to sit up, but it looks like he is trying to do crunches. 

Chase and his beautiful eyes.