
Thursday, January 31, 2013

6 Month Check-Up

Our six month check up went very well.  I love to hear our doctor say how well they are all doing.  He also calmed my concerns that Ryan and Tyler are not yet rolling over from back to front nor are any of them sitting up unsupported.  Before I told him any of my concerns, he went through a list of milestones he expected them to be doing and not doing.  He said he did not expect any of them to be rolling over back to front or sitting unsupported.  He said Chase acts and looks like a full term 6.5 month old.  He has been rolling over for months now and even sat unsupported for a few seconds for the doctor.  I was worried because I thought the other two were behind, but Chase is just ahead.  As a mom, I find myself taking it personally if they get behind because I feel I'm not doing enough or the right things to help them develop.  I left the office feeling reassured by our doctor that they are all on track and not to worry.

We also found out that Ryan had an ear infection.  We were surprised to hear this since he had not acted  like he felt bad at all.  Ryan is sooo easy going he didn't even fuss about it.  We were so happy we had a check up when we did so it could be treated, plus we didn't have to pay for a sick visit!  When you're on a high deductible plan that is a big deal. Our next check up with be at 9 months and there are no scheduled shots!!! Watching the nurse give each baby 3 shots plus an oral vaccine is not fun at all, so I am so glad we don't have to go through that next time.

6 month check up stats:
Chase continues to be average weight and above average length when compared to a full term baby.

Chase: 17 lbs. 9 oz (50%)    27.3 inches long  (75%)
Ryan: 15 lbs. 14 oz (20%)   26.8 inches long (50%)
Tyler: 16 lbs. 7 oz  (25%)   26.8 inches long (50%)

The boys love to lay on the doctor's table in their diapers and play.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Play Time

The boys love to play in their big boy apparatuses and they love playing with their big brother.  Ben loves to play with them just as much.  It is a joy to watch them interact as Ben takes turns playing with each brother and sometimes even dressing them up.  They light up when he gives them attention and I can't help but smile too.

Ryan playing with big brother Ben
Chase loves to laugh at Ben
Tyler in a pirate hat compliments of Ben
Chase jumping away in the jump-a-roo
Chase posing for a picture
Ryan thinks Ben is hilarious
Ryan enjoying the jump-a-roo

Thursday, January 17, 2013

One Year Ago

One year ago we received the biggest surprise of our lives.  We were at the doctor's office expecting to see one healthy, little baby on the ultrasound screen.  We were totally taken by surprise to see not 1, not 2, but 3 healthy little babies on the screen.  We stared in amazement, not knowing what to say or even think and trying to make sense of it all.  Last year it was hard to imagine what our lives would be like with triplets.  This year we can't imagine our family without Chase, Ryan, & Tyler.  We are so blessed!

This picture still brings tears to my eyes.

Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, 
who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

6 Months

Happy Half Birthday to my three little guys who are not so little anymore!  It's hard to believe in 6 more months we will be having their first birthday party.  I am so proud of how they are developing and growing.  They are already in 6-9 month clothing!

We are now back on a schedule.  The holidays were rough on us and had everything messed up.  For about a week, they were waking up in the middle of the night and then they started waking up at 5:00 am. I worked hard to get everyone back on schedule.  We are back to waking up between 6:00-6:30 am, which is early, but it's better than 5:00 am.  They take 3 naps a day that last 1.5-2 hours and they sleep around 11 hours a night.  At night, they all sleep in their own crib in the same room. During the day, I split them up in different rooms because they are all the sudden very aware of sounds and easily wake each other up.

They are eating every 3.5 to 4 hours during the day for a total of 5 bottle feedings.  They all eat around 6-7 ounces at every feeding.  Three of those feedings are accompanied with solids.  They all love sweet potatoes and apples.  They are learning to like avocados and green beans.  Watching their faces as they eat green beans has been quite entertaining.  I am really enjoying making their baby food.  It is so easy!  I got an immersion blender and silicone ice cube trays for Christmas.  I simply bake or steam the fruit or veggies (except the avocados- no cooking required), puree them with the blender, fill the ice cube trays and let them freeze.  Then I pop them out of the trays into zip-lock bags and store in the freezer.  All I have to do is get what I need for the day out of the freezer.  It definitely beats paying for jars and jars of baby food.  Thanks to Kari for the baby food making tips!

The boys love to play! They all love the new apparatuses we have added.  I think the jump-a-roo is everyone's favorite, but they love the exersaucers, too!  They also love to play with toys on the floor.  We are making good use of the new foam tiles as a play mat.  Chase is now officially rolling over from back to front and is very good at it now.  The other two are trying to roll over, too.

Ryan, Chase, Tyler
17 lbs. 3 oz
15 lbs. 11 oz
16 lbs